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Hey Angel!

 21st September 2024 20:49 Dear Diary, I spent today doing nothing. I slept last night at three in the morning and woke up at past 11:30. After lunch i slept again till 6. I feel like nothing, absolutely nothing. Do you ever wonder what your ex's friends thought of you? Like if they ever thought that you were too good for their friend? Or if they were always like 'Ah she such a bitch, why my homie dating that cunt?', or something idk. This question popped into my head recently when my ex's close friend started texting me. Let me tell you something. I still don't know if my ex boyfriend is a nice guy or if he was just rude to me, only me. We literally were just playing each other. When I was too scared to let go of him, I just started playing himself and used myself only. Concluding, I've no idea what my ex is doing now or if he ever liked me or anything else. But his friend just randomly texting me like that made me pretty confused. Especially when I understood
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